
Andrew Bridgen MP Calls for Urgent Debate on the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Andrew Bridgen MP Calls for Urgent Debate on the WHO Pandemic Treaty

Andrew Bridgen MP Calls for an Urgent Debate in Parliament on the World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty The treaty seeks to give the WHO huge powers over this country to call pandemics, enforce lockdowns and vaccinations, and decide when any pandemic is over.

Sustainable Futures – Taking Stock

Sustainable Futures – Taking Stock

Anthony Day is a climate activist and runs Sustainable Futures a website with interviews and a weekly review. Ian has known him for sometime and bravely he asked Ian for an interview around the topic of "Taking Stock". Where are we now and what can we learn. He was...

If cellphone radiation is safe, why won’t insurers cover it?

If cellphone radiation is safe, why won’t insurers cover it?

Our own Ian was interviewed by Dr Tess Lawrie for her "Tess Talks" series. It is still highly relevent and will give you much insight.m Ian says that about three-quarters through he should have said "Dopamine" and not "Seratonin". Watch now: Tess Talks with 5G...

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